Saturday, November 7, 2009

Little House Pouch

Made this today for my neice's 4th birthday (which is this afternoon!). It is from The Long Thread (same with the cape I did the other day).

Now to find a little something to pop inside!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mummy, you make me a...

... magic cape?

Ummmm okay...

So off to Spotlight we go where S1 picks the world's hardest to sew fabric for his magic cape. 38 swearwords later and we have...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A new Tshirt

Today's project has been converting an old Tshirt of hubby's into a brand spanker for S1. Here's the results. It's made to size 4 measurements so still a little big around the chest, but all in all it turned out well.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I'm pretty sure there was a nappy on that butt when S2 went down for his snooze!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A bib for my little grot

S2 seems to go through bibs at a rate of knots. And they never seem to cover the bits that need covered! So I made him one myself. It is nice and big and has a waterproof layer to stop him getting soaked during watermelon season.

And here it is again being modelled by S1 who would probably benefit with a bib during watermelon season too!

And having now seen the bib on S1 I can see I will probably need to put some more snaps on the neck to make the neckhole a bit smaller for S2. But he's sleeping so that'll just have to wait.

Monday, August 31, 2009

A snuggly pillow

S2 is a touchy feely boy who keeps taking off with my pillowcases. So I made him one of his own with extra snuggly built-in touchy feely bits!

You've heard of 5min mug cake?

Well it didn't fit in my mug... so here's my 5 min Rock'n'serve cake LOL! Tasted great.

Tasted great with icecream too.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sew I've been busy

S1 has curtains.

S2 has curtains.

One of Hubby's ugly old shirts is now shorty-shorts for S1.

And S2 is half-way to having his very own touchy-feely pillowcase to cart around sookyrag style.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

It's EKKA time!!!

After much debating we finally made the decision to take the boys into the Exhibition yesterday. On People's Day. Luckily the threats of dreaded Swine Flu and an impending thunderstorm prediction kept the crowds away.

S1 had a great time force feeding the baby animals. At one point a goat gave him a headbutt when he tried to shove stuff in its mouth, but it didn't seem to deter him!

At first there was a cautious distance kept.

The nerves had to give way to a determination to make these damn animals eat though!

Then it was on to the cows. Apparently straw and droppings etc off the floor in a plastic cup aren't that appealing.

Little boy fingers on the other hand...

And well S2 was just unimpressed that randoms kept getting in his shots!

The Govt pavillion gave S1 a chance to try his hand at some future careers..

but in the end he settled on Rockstar! (again with the Peter Garratt moves!)

It's not the Ekka without a Dagwood Dog. Granted these were crappy Pluto Pups, but we did have a real Dagwood Dog earlier in the day...

Then some colouring-in in the rain (and a shot of our pre-hailstorm setup)

Not long after this the storm hit. We managed to cover up, but were then ordered out of the stands due to impending hail. So we lugged everything down, found cover for 5mins while the 'storm' hit, then lugged it all back up the stands again. Thankfully it wasn't a cold night so sitting soaked on wet seats while we waited for the fireworks really wasn't all that bad afterall!

S1 wasn't such a fan of the fireworks, but S2 couldn't get enough of them. Should make for an interesting time come Riverfire!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Day at Seaworld

We recently purchased QLD VIP passes to Seaworld, Movieworld and Wet & Wild (from here). We've been to Movieworld already, but took photos on the crappy camera and I have no idea how to get them onto the computer.

This weekend just gone was Seaworld's turn. Here's our day in pictures.

Looking for edible food (hard to find at Seaworld!) we ran into Bert & Ernie who were kind enough to pose for a photo. This is also my proof that S2 was there for the adventure too.

There's always time for a merry-go-round ride!

Apparently we weren't cool enough to sit with at the Sesame St show. S1 insisted on sitting up the back on his own.

Oh so cuddly!

Not so cuddly!

S1 doing his best fish impersonation.

I was very excited to discover S1 was tall enough to go on the Flume Ride with me!

It was all fun until we got wet at the end. Then there were tears, and sobs of "have to need to go again with Daddy"!

Hard work on the way up...

But all fun on the way down!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

S2's a big boy now!

My little man had his first birthday on the weekend. We had an awesome party to celebrate with friends & family. The little guy slept all day while we prepared, was awake just in time for the party to start, then promptly fell asleep again after the cake was cut. Typical male huh?!
S1 the baker - in action!

The Cake

Grandma's been busy again

A couple of the vegie gardens now have stuff trying to grow in them. We also filled the side garden and Dad has since been over to fill it with strawberry plants.
If you look hard you might spot a vegie

Not much else going on. If anyone's looking for a job, there's a distinct lack of paediatric gastroenterologists working in private practice in Brisbane....